Jun 28Liked by Matt Lieberman

I was very surprised (in a bad way) by Biden's performance. I had expected something like the State of the Union. But this was such a lower level of intensity. I don't understand. Today on the View, Joy showed a clip of Biden addressing people in a watch party afterwards. Now THAT was the Biden I expected, much more energized. Did someone pass him in the hall at CNN and drug him with a downer? I just don't get it.

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I think in an environment where it's just him and what's he's saying, he can rise to the occasion. And when he knows just what he's going to say and when. And typically just read it off a teleprompter. But he doesn't do well otherwise.

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Jun 28Liked by Matt Lieberman

Matt, I could not agree more. I have been 'ride or die' Biden. Last night was a game changer. It was an indicator of what is in store for the next four years, and honestly, I'm not sure which of those candidates would be worse for the country. We need a leader. And that's from someone who is a diehard Biden supporter. He's done. Step aside and give this country a fighting chance . . .

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I don’t agree that he’s being selfish that’s pretty harsh! I watched the debate for a while and was disappointed in his lack of energy but it was Trump’s lying that made me finally give up! He’s incapable of telling the truth, how can anyone trust a person who lies like others breathe? Just because Biden had a bad night one bad night that is is no reason to kick him into the gutter! People are so incredibly judgmental about age in this country, even if he had been perfect his age would still have come up. We are a country fixated on age. We should also be fixated on lying former presidents making sure they don’t gain power because he told you what he plans and it’s not a Democracy!

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Why watch the debate? It is no indicator of statesmanship. tRump has the advantage of blow or adderal. It's a media event (!) that serves no one but the media (!) in their posturing about a candidate's commercial allure. And currently, the commercial allure has NOTHING to do with abilities to run a country—as we've seen for the last four years. You're being selfish, or maybe arrogant, in thinking your opinion matters. Hopefully, most Ds are critical thinkers and have no need to believe the hoopla. I wouldn't have commented if not for your outrageous headline that NEEDED to be disputed. I took the bait and rose to the occasion. Go Joe!

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This substack exists as a way for me to share my point of view. That's all it is. It either matters to people, or not. That's out of my control. Feel free to stick with Joe, by all means. You're not alone. But we have debates for people to see the candidates in one particular setting that is not totally within their control and see how they do, what they think, how they think. I agree with you re Trump being no good. But Biden showed himself to be not up to the job of president, at least the way most people think of the job. Most people - not everyone. We're all different, and we have different views of things. That's no surprise. My view of this differs greatly from yours. Okay.

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I agree one debate and you in the media and the public decide he’s toast while Trump lies his head off! So Biden had a a less than stellar night, you are going to judge him on that while CNN just sat there and said nothing about Trump’s lies! On Friday Biden had a great day in Raleigh ! So he had a bad night you want to kick him to the curb is this a fair country or just a judgemental country?

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