I'm not sure this most recent 'attempt' was actually an attempt. He did not shoot. Not sure if he even lined it up to do so. Additionally, I cannot help but wonder if Trump hired him to fake an assassination. It seems quite likely to me that Trump would find that is a very good idea to get more people to support him. (and I still wonder if Trump used a razor blade on himself to cut his ear on the first attempt, there was just too much weirdness about it all like 'where are my shoes' and how quickly his ear healed)

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True, no shots were fired. But the circumstantial evidence looks very much like a planned assassination. Like 100%. As to the last attempt, those were real bullets as evidenced by the other victims.

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You might say that Fromme and Moore were the Left's version of MAGAts in the 1970s. They lived with blinders on demonizing the establishment as too corrupt to repair.

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